Engaging in regular running can bring about notable changes in your body. Running is a straightforward and highly beneficial form of physical activity that offers great accessibility. 

While it may be challenging to establish a regular running routine, the rewards are plentiful once you succeed. By running every day, you can experience various positive transformations in your body. To gain more insight, I recommend reading the entire post, as it provides interesting information.


Running can contribute to an enhanced sense of happiness. Research indicates that just thirty minutes of running can uplift the mood of individuals suffering from depressive disorders. Interestingly, this effect is not exclusive to fast runners, as even those who maintain a walking pace can experience these mood-boosting benefits. Furthermore, prolonged running triggers the release of endorphins in your body, which induces a sense of euphoria commonly known as the runner's high.

Running results in significant calorie expenditure as it demands a high amount of energy. For instance, a runner weighing seventy kilograms will burn twenty calories per minute when maintaining a moderate pace. In a thirty-minute duration, this equates to a total of three hundred sixty-six calories burned. It's important to note that these figures apply to running on a flat surface. However, running against the wind, uphill, or increasing speed will lead to even greater calorie burn.

Engaging in running contributes to the development of robust knees, despite common misconceptions. Research conducted by scientists indicates that runners are less susceptible to knee pain compared to non-runners. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors such as maintaining a healthy body mass index, strengthening leg muscles, and enhancing bone density. The repetitive impact of foot strikes during running places stresses on muscles, tendons, and ligaments, thereby promoting their resilience. 

They adapt and become more resilient. Engaging in activities such as walking or swimming that don't involve impact loads will not provide the same level of muscle and bone strengthening as running does. 

Additionally, running contributes to a healthy heart by enhancing the cardiovascular system, and it doesn't necessarily require long durations. Just ten minutes of leisurely jogging is sufficient to lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and it's recommended to run on a daily basis. Moreover, running can boost brain efficiency. If you find yourself struggling to recall yesterday's lunch or locate your keys, promptly put on your sneakers and go for a run.

Scientists have proven that engaging in aerobic exercises, which elevate your heart rate and induce perspiration, can enhance brain function. Additionally, individuals who incorporate regular moderate-paced running into their routine for at least five sessions per week, each lasting thirty minutes, have experienced improvements in both their sleep patterns and mental well-being, as observed in a small-scale experiment.

Furthermore, engaging in aerobic exercises strengthens your immune system, resulting in a decreased susceptibility to illness. While we have already highlighted numerous advantages of aerobic exercises, there are still more to consider. Engaging in thirty minutes or more of regular aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of mortality from various forms of cancer. 

Additionally, such exercises contribute to well-toned and attractive legs, as the lower part of the body houses the largest muscles, all of which are engaged during running.

Running engages multiple muscle groups, providing a workout for your hips, calves, and buttocks. However, running isn't solely focused on the legs; it also involves the abdominal and back muscles, which stabilize the body. Therefore, running regularly can effectively exercise your entire body. To ensure safe daily running, follow these straightforward guidelines:

  • Purchase running sneakers: Regular shoes are inadequate for running and do not provide the necessary protection against potential injuries.
  • Gradually increase the intensity: Incrementally add more challenges to your workouts, such as incorporating activities like swimming or cycling.
  • Include exercises for different muscle groups: Incorporate workouts that target various muscle groups to achieve a well-rounded training routine.
  • Prioritize warm-up and post-workout stretching: Always warm up before your run and remember to stretch afterward to prevent injuries and promote flexibility.
  • Seek guidance from a coach: Find a qualified coach who can identify any technical errors you may be making and assist you in correcting them.

For individuals new to running, a common question arises: Should I run outdoors or on a treadmill? 

Let's explore this matter in greater detail. While many runners reside in urban areas, it would be ideal if the weather conditions in major cities resembled Miami's consistently pleasant climate. However, more often than not, weather conditions can pose challenges to your training plan.

And then, closed gyms come to the rescue with their stable internal environment. Where is the optimal place for running?

 From a psychological perspective, running on the street is preferred as it provides a sense of movement. However, there are various other factors to consider. If you reside in an area with polluted air due to vehicles or factories, running on the street can result in the accumulation of harmful metals in your body, which can adversely affect your health.

In such cases, running on a treadmill in a gym with filtered air is a better option. If you live close to a park, it is advisable to run outside to benefit from the oxygen saturation. Running on the street offers psychological advantages in terms of fulfilling training volume and easily varying speed regimes. When circumstances allow, outdoor running is preferable.

By the way, friends, please share in the comments if you engage in running and which option you prefer: street or treadmill? It would be interesting to hear your experiences. I also recommend checking out other posts on my blog you can find the links on the screen. If you enjoyed this post, please hit the like button and follow my blog.