Strength training is undoubtedly beneficial, but muscle mass cannot be built through strength training alone. Adequate nutrition is also required to achieve this goal. Experts suggest that up to seventy percent of your success in gaining muscle mass depends on the quality of your diet. In this informative post, I will discuss the top foods that can help you add muscle mass.


If you are interested in learning more about this topic, then I urge you to read the post till the end. To begin with, protein is a crucial nutrient required for muscle growth. Essential amino acids that we obtain from the foods we consume act as the building blocks for our muscle fibers. However, not all proteins are created equal.

Apart from the quantity of protein, the quality of protein is also an essential factor to consider. It is essential to acknowledge that not all proteins are created equal. Experts have developed a specific value, known as the protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score, to assess the quality of protein.

The amino acid composition of the foods we consume plays a crucial role in meeting the needs of our body. The value of each food item is determined by the protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), with the highest score being one and the lowest being zero. A value lower than one indicates that the source is less ideal, while a score closer to one implies that the food is a high-quality, complete source of protein.

Let us now examine some foods with high PDCAAS scores, starting with eggs. Eggs have long been considered the gold standard of protein sources. However, eggs do have their detractors due to their cholesterol content. Consuming eggs can indeed raise internal cholesterol levels in the blood.

Furthermore, eggs contain a significant amount of choline, and too much of this nutrient is not beneficial for one's health. Therefore, it is advisable to consume no more than one or two eggs per day as part of a healthy diet. However, from a protein quality perspective, eggs are unparalleled. The structure of the egg itself contributes to its high PDCAAS score of one, making it an absolute, ideal protein source.

Take, for instance, the contrast between meat and egg as sources of protein. Meat is composed of muscle fibers and cells, which require significant effort for the body to break down and absorb, leading to resource wastage. Conversely, an egg is comprised of a single cell and lacks interfiber structures, making it much easier to digest and absorb. This attribute contributes to why egg protein is ideal for human consumption.

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Another rich source of protein is beef. It has a value of 0.92 in protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score, which is not as optimal as an egg but still a commendable score. Beef contains high-quality protein and is known for its muscle-building properties, backed by numerous studies. Its essential amino acid composition closely mirrors that of human muscles. However, beef is difficult to digest, requiring approximately six to seven hours to be fully processed by the stomach.

On the other hand, chicken breast is a much leaner and easier-to-digest source of protein. Its protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score is approximately 0.95, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize dietary needs.

Chicken is a rich source of quality protein, with one hundred grams of chicken containing thirty-one grams of protein that can aid muscle growth. Additionally, chicken is more easily digestible than beef, making it a more viable dietary option.

Moving on to dairy products, are also an excellent source of protein, with both milk and cottage cheese having a high value of protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score. However, it is important to note that lactose intolerance is a common issue among adults, causing discomforts such as stomach pain and gas formation upon consuming dairy products. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to avoid dairy intake.

Moreover, studies have shown that milk protein is well absorbed, but fewer amino acids are utilized for muscle metabolism compared to chicken or beef. Despite this, consuming cottage cheese, which is made up of seventy percent casein, can be beneficial for maintaining a positive amino acid balance for up to eight hours. This makes cottage cheese a suitable dinner option as it can provide sustained protein intake throughout the night.

To promote muscle growth and prevent muscle breakdown, incorporating cottage cheese and other dairy products into your diet is highly recommended. Fish, another excellent source of protein, can also aid in muscle development. Although its protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score is lower than that of chicken or beef, it is still considered a high-quality protein with 20 grams of pure protein per 100 grams of fish. Furthermore, fish is easily digestible and contains omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to benefit the immune and nervous systems, as well as promote healthy skin and better sleep.

Research suggests that those who consume large amounts of fish tend to live longer than those who do not eat much fish. If you are looking to build muscle mass, it is recommended to consume whey protein immediately after training for its fast absorption rate and excellent amino acid profile. Throughout the day, prioritize lean protein sources such as chicken breast, turkey breast, and fish, while cottage cheese can make for a great evening snack. Beef can also be incorporated into your diet on occasion.

What are your thoughts? Do you regularly consume any of these protein sources? Share your opinion in the comments section below. Also, be sure to check out my other posts on this blog, and don't forget to like and follow if you found this post helpful. See you soon!